Singing Guide: Kurt Kaiser

Singing Guide: Kurt Kaiser

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Kurt Kaiser was a songwriter and composer best known for his contributions to Christian hymns. He was a prolific musician who wrote over three hundred pieces of music in his lifetime. His unique style of playing the piano and composing music allowed him to create inspiring and uplifting melodies that have stood the test of time. In this article, we will explore some of Kurt Kaiser's signature techniques and offer suggestions on how to incorporate them into your own singing.

  1. Play with dynamics

One of the things that make Kurt Kaiser's music so unique is his use of dynamics. He often combines loud and soft to create a dynamic and emotional piece of music. To incorporate this technique in your singing, try to experiment with different dynamic levels while singing a song. Play with the levels of softness and loudness, and watch how the changes in dynamics can transform the mood of the song.

  1. Utilize vibrato

Vibrato is a technique used by singers to create vibration in their voice, which gives the music a warmer, more soulful feel. Kurt Kaiser was a master of vibrato and used it to create beautiful, poignant hymns and melodies. To incorporate vibrato in your singing, practice breathing exercises and try singing with an open mouth and throat. Also, be mindful that vibrato should come naturally and not be forced.

  1. Learn new chords

Kurt Kaiser was known for his use of unique chords and chord progressions in his music. His songs often had unusual and unexpected chords, which made them stand out and sound different from other hymns. To incorporate this technique into your singing, try to learn new chords and experiment with different chord progressions. You can find a list of chords and progressions on the Singing Carrots website.

  1. Find your vocal range

Kurt Kaiser's music often required singers to sing in a unique range. To sing like Kurt Kaiser, it is important to know your own vocal range and practice your pitch accuracy. You can use Singing Carrots' vocal range test and pitch accuracy test to determine your range and find songs that fit your voice.

  1. Practice active breathing

Active breathing is an essential technique for singers. Kurt Kaiser was known to practice his breathing techniques meticulously, which helped him to create beautiful and emotive music. To practice active breathing, try different breathing exercises and incorporate them into your daily routine. Singing Carrots' article on breathing basics can give you some tips.

  1. Explore different singing styles

Kurt Kaiser was a versatile musician who experimented with different genres, including pop, jazz, and classical music. To sing like Kurt Kaiser, it is important to be open to exploring different singing styles. Singing Carrots has an article on pop/jazz vs classical singing. The article compares the techniques used in both styles, and can be helpful to explore and learn from.

  1. Sing with emotion

Kurt Kaiser was known for the emotional depth of his music. To sing like Kurt Kaiser, try to connect with the song on an emotional level. Singing with emotion can make the difference between a good performance and a great one. Singing Carrots' article on singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking can give you some tips and exercises on how to bring emotion to your singing.

In conclusion, Kurt Kaiser was a master composer and a true inspiration to many. Incorporating his unique techniques can help add depth to your singing style. Singing Carrots has many tools and resources to assist you on your journey to learning Kurt Kaiser's singing style. Start with understanding the music theory, and then practice the techniques on your favorite hymns, and watch as your voice transforms.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.